Extra Credit Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part A

 Mahabharata by various authors

Vyasa and Ganesha

- One day in spring, as he was flying through the sky, his semen fell into a river. It was swallowed by a female fish with the result that ten months after, when the fish was caught by a fisherman, two children — a boy and a girl — came forth.

 *I'm sorry, but what?! That is such an odd and out of left field plotline!*

- The king took possession of the boy but left the girl to be reared by the fisherman’s wife. The girl was very beautiful, but she had a fishy smell.

*This story has been wildly weird so far and I'm not sure what to think about it. I laughed out loud from sheer shock.*

King Shantanu and Ganga

-So were seven babes, one after another, destroyed by their mother in like manner. When the eighth was born, the goddess sought to drown him also, but the king's pent-up wrath broke forth in a torrent of speech, and he upbraided his heartless wife. Thus was his marriage vow broken, and Ganga given power to depart unto her own place.

*It is interesting the seriousness with which they approach vows. It's almost as if they are truly life or death and the conditions never seem fair. I would've stopped her after the first baby so I'm surprised the king held out so long.*

Devavrata's Vow

-"If thou wilt give thy daughter unto my sire to be his queen, I, who am his heir, will never accept the throne, nor marry a wife, or be the father of children. If, then, Satyavati will become the mother of a son, he will surely be chosen rajah."

*I'm struggling to understand at this point why Bhishma would make this vow. Ganga made the vow for him but would he know that? Why would he willingly obey? Is he truly selfless or is he in it for something else? I'm not sure which I would prefer.*

Bhishma at the Swayamvara

- Never had there been an archer like Bhishma. With a shower of arrows he stopped the rush that came upon him from all sides at once. His part was like that of Indra fighting against the crowds of asuras. Laughingly with his blazing darts did he cut down the magnificent standards, all decked with gold, of the advancing kings.

*I'm very interested in Bhishma's character. How is he so skilled with a bow out of thin air? Why is he so willing to give up everything and to give so much for his brother?*


- Though she made her feeling clear over and over again with a sincerity that all her life after it made her hot to remember, he showed not the slightest affection for her, but turned away from her, casting her off, say the chronicles, as a snake discards his old skin, with no more feeling of honor or of affection.

*The King of Shalwas' character makes me very angry! I would have justice done to a character like his and it would be sweet.*

- ... her mind began to settle on Bhishma as the source and root of her woes, and the destruction of Bhishma gradually became the motive to which all her self-severities were to be directed.

*Her anger seems a little misdirected...*

Pandu and His Wives

-  When, approaching your wife lustfully, you will unite with her even as I had done with mine, in that very state shall you have to go to the world of the spirits. And that wife of yours with whom you may be united in intercourse at the time of your death shall also follow you with affection and reverence to the domains of the king of the dead. You have brought me grief when I was happy. So shall grief come to you when you are in happiness.

* This is such a funny curse. I'm intrigued by the 'this happened to me so it shall now happen to you' idea when it comes to cursing.*

Bhima and the Nagas

- Bhima found that he had sunk down to the city of serpents, which is in the underworld. Vasuki, king of the nagas, having heard of his prowess, hastened towards the young warrior, whom he desired greatly to behold.

*I'm interested in the character of Vasuki and especially his relationship and friendship with Aryaka. Why did he take such a liking to him? What is the background there? Would it be interesting to write this dynamic into my own story? Also, underworlds are always cool!*


- Drona heard the harsh words of his old friend with mute amaze. For a moment he paused. Then abruptly he turned away, nor spake he in reply. His heart burned with indignation as he hastened out of the city.

*Aw, what a heartbreaking story. One friend has betrayed the other. Could I write my own version of this?*

The Arrival of Karna

- Then he, the eldest son of Kunti, spake to Kunti's youngest son, Arjuna, the brothers being unknown one to another ...

*Oh, the drama of it all! Karna and Arjuna are unaware that they are brothers.*

Drona's Revenge

I have not forgotten that we were children together. So once again I ask for thy friendship, and I grant thee, unasked, the half of the kingdom; the other half will be mine, and if it pleaseth thee,  we will be friends.

*Wow, I'm a little surprised that Drona forgave Drupada just like that*

Mahabharata Partial Family Tree (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Bibliography: Mahabharata by various authors. Website: Indian Epics: Images and PDE Epics


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