
 I am not going to lie: most of these tools are pretty foreign to me as of right now. The online environment in this class is similar to what I've experienced in the past in that it is all pretty straightforward once you know the steps to take you where you want to go. It is different in the depth of expertise that it takes to execute these steps. Not that the tools that we are being asked to use are particularly hard, but they do make me feel like more of a tech genius when I'm using them compared to other courses that taught you how to use simple, everyday systems like Word. What I'm trying to express is that these websites we are using are completely fresh to me.

     For this semester, I think I would like to work on developing my knowledge base for blogs and the like because I think I could take an actual interest in this sort of thing beyond when it is required to do so. Also, if I don't end up using this knowledge base for any of those purposes, it is still a useful thing to know for the future, just in case. 

Technology Photo courtesy of TheDigitalArtist 
(Source: Pixabay)


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